Monday, 21 November 2011

Services provided by controltrix

Our services can be classified into following categories
1. Algorithm design and simulation
2. Implementing control algorithms in fixed point processors and dsps
3. Evaluation,feasibility study and implementation of technology, patents, research papers
4. Real time problem solving and remote support

Algorithm design and system simulation
The design of control system can be trivial and mathematically complex at the same time. At the very basic, trial and error approaches are sometimes used. Trial and error approaches are good as first approximation and help to get a feel of the system. However, meeting ever tightening specs with these methods is challenging. For better and/or optimal performance intensive mathematical analysis, simulation and expertise across multiple domains is required. We provide complete control algorithm design solution for both analog and digital motor control and power electronic systems. Simulation allows to predict the system behavior and identify pitfalls even before any hardware need to be made. The deliverables may include one or more of the following.
1. Physical system modeling and simulation to predict system behavior
2. Design of control system
3. Time domain simulation and waveforms under specified test conditions
4. Frequency domain simulation and bode plots
5. Modeling and mitigating adverse effects of second order nonlinear behavior such as inductor saturation, dead time etc.
6. Recommendations and potential pitfalls
Digital and analog implementation
For digital / DSC/ DSP based systems the control system needs to be converted into a program that will run on digital signal controller, microcontroller or dsp which has floating or fixed point capabilities. We provide conversion of the design from the conceptual and simulation stage to actual implementation on a digital platform. For analog systems we help design the feedback R-C network and the gains set by the resistors.
1. Code for pre – controller signal conditioning
2. Proper scaling of gains and parameters(conversion from the simulation level to implementation level)
3. C code for floating or fixed point machines (DSP,DSC,MCU etc) starting from ADC feedback till drive (duty or peak current reference) generation
4. Optimization of C code at algorithmic level for improving speed and memory usage
5. Handling various corner cases such as saturation and wind up
6. Recommendations and pitfalls
7. For analog sytems, we can help you design the circuit/feedback network by choosing component values
Technology review and research
Do you want to understand, evaluate and implement some technical paper, idea or patent and don’t know how to go about it? We provide expert evaluation services for the same
1. Technical Evaluation of patent, idea, research paper etc
2. Analysis and technical feasibility studies
3. Understanding technology and presenting it in black and white
4. Possible modifications, intellectual property work arounds, add ons etc to make technology more usable and valuable
5. Researching technologies
6. Pros and cons of certain methods and implementation
Need based support services
Stuck while implementing or having some strange issues and unexplainable phenomenon with control that you would like to understand or fix ? We can work with you in real time remotely using web based services and get your project completed quickly.
1. Providing real time remote guidance using tools such for remote desktop sharing
2. Suggesting tests
3. Analyzing results

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